Monday, September 8, 2008

Home From School Today

John was sick Friday night and all weekend... I feel bad for him because he has had a fever off and on which really upset Samantha... Samantha also had a tummy ache all weekend and still didn't feel well this morning so John and I agreed to let her stay home... It probably should have been John who stayed home but he is so hard headed...He went to work feeling awful... So, above is Samantha napping on the chair in the living room... notice the blanket, it's the one I made her!

So, I received 2 notes this morning... the top one was in the form of a paper airplane... The kid cracks me up!
Yeah! Samantha has stopped sucking her thumb! The dentist told her she absolutely had to or else... so, we told her that if she did it by last Friday she could get a new Nintendo DS game... She chose a Build-A Bear game but sadly, this morning her DS needed charged...


Unknown said...

Hey Kate, if I find a donkey here can I send it you for Samantha?

Anonymous said...

Sam is a doll, I love kids with glasses they are sooooo adorable, there is just something special about a kid with specs!! I love their drawings, those are keepers Kate.