Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am home alone and I don't like being home all by myself. Although I should be happy to be by myself after the day I spent with Samantha... First there was this morning... We sleep in on Saturdays when John is working but today Samantha woke me up early to tell me about the tooth she had just lost... and she did not stop talking until it was time for book club.
John said that she had woken him up at 4am when she lost her tooth to tell him all about it. So, she tells me all about her tooth... how it was hanging there and how she had to yank it out and how it had gushed blood and how she had used my wash cloth to make the gushing blood stop and how she had then put the wash cloth in the laundry and then how the tooth still had blood on it... and how she couldn't get back to sleep so she turned on the TV and watched "Total Drama Island" and how it was an episode she hadn't seen... (What followed was an in depth detailing of the entire episode that was longer than the actual episode itself...) Then she went on to tell me how she'd fallen back to sleep and had a bad dream... and how Marissa the cat was in the dream and she was really fat... and I was in the dream... and John was in the dream but she can't really remember what the dream was about other than the fact that it was scary and therefore bad... Then finally it was time to leave for book club but Samantha's chatter didn't stop there... In the car I heard about how she has 4 Littlest Pet Shop butterflies and one is green with pink wings and the other one is blue and so on and so forth... and what set they came with... and where she got each set...
Finally we got to the library where this month's book club was being held. I led the discussion about, "Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery" by Deborah and James Howe. We talked about what a mystery is and the difference between reality and fantasy. Then I had the girls: Samantha, Tara and Ann, write a short story. It had to be a mystery and it had to have an element of fantasy: talking pets. While they worked on their stories I talked to Ann's mom, Sally and we found tons of books to check out. Libraries are very dangerous places for me! Then there was a bit of a tantrum (thrown by Samantha) over when everyone would go to the rest room to wash their hands and when they would read their stories. But all's well that ends well and Samantha decided to loose her bad attitude and behave like a ten year old. After book club Samantha and Tara were invited over to Ann's house for a play date which brings us to why I am home all alone...
I showed Sally my burnt thumb. Sally's a physical therapist as well as the mom we all go to for medical advice for the kids... When she saw it she said she wanted to clean it with some sort of scrub brush and medicine... yeah, right... um, NO THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Alan said...

Love being with the kids, but some just want to scream "Shut-Up!" You don't of course, but...

I'd send that photo of your burn in to the company that made the veggies. That looks like it hurts.