Monday, November 24, 2008
Misc. and such...
So, on Saturday I turned 40... wow! I can't believe I am 40... I'm not sure what 40 is supposed to feel like but I can say I don't feel 40... On Saturday I talked to my mom and she re-told the story of when I was born: She said she got the call that I was bout to be born when my dad was out of town. So, my mom flew from Buffalo and my dad flew from Illinois to Kansas. They did not arrive on the day I was born but I think it was the next day maybe. They met with the lawyer and then went before the judge to finalize my adoption. Then to get home they chartered a plane to Kansas City and then flew first class home from there so I was spoiled right from the beginning!
I think we all love hearing stories from "when we were little"... I know I do and Samantha is starting to ask for me to tell her a story from when she was a baby... The stories always warm my heart and make me smile...
At our house we have been watching The Amazing Race... Well, in my mind I imagine that my dad and I are doing the race together... that would be so cool! I think we could do pretty well, probably not win but I think we could have made it so far... Last night Samantha and I totally thought Dan and Andrew would whine about carrying the bags of flour but they didn't, wow! We think / know that they will go home next week... We like all of the pairs that are left so we really don't care who wins...
I am reading this really good book: "The Heretic's Daughter" by Kathleen Kent. It is about the Salem Witch Trials. That sure was an interesting period in history but I sure would not have wanted to live there back then!
I checked out the best video ever from the library: The complete Fawlty Towers collection with John Cleese... That man doesn't even have to do anything to be funny! Fawlty Towers has to be the best TV series of all times and is just so gosh darn funny! I laugh so hard at it that my sides hurt...
For my birthday my family gave me some wonderful gifts: my parent gave me the money to purchase a really good skillet... I am so excited! And, John and Samantha gave me a whole plethora of goodies including: a gnome book that I had enjoyed as a child at Camp Blue Heron... At camp on rainy days we would sit inside that lodge and read about gnomes... they gave me a 2009 Get Fuzzy page a day calendar as they have for the last 6 or 7 years, it's always my favorite gift! They gave me the DVD of "What Lies Beneath", one of my favorite movies. I thought it was also one of Samantha's favorites but she can't remember watching it with me. I also got a gift card to Starbucks and some lip gloss and bubble bath. My friend Ellen gave me the most beautiful spa style bath robe that is just so warm and snugly. It was a great Birthday!
I think we all love hearing stories from "when we were little"... I know I do and Samantha is starting to ask for me to tell her a story from when she was a baby... The stories always warm my heart and make me smile...
At our house we have been watching The Amazing Race... Well, in my mind I imagine that my dad and I are doing the race together... that would be so cool! I think we could do pretty well, probably not win but I think we could have made it so far... Last night Samantha and I totally thought Dan and Andrew would whine about carrying the bags of flour but they didn't, wow! We think / know that they will go home next week... We like all of the pairs that are left so we really don't care who wins...
I am reading this really good book: "The Heretic's Daughter" by Kathleen Kent. It is about the Salem Witch Trials. That sure was an interesting period in history but I sure would not have wanted to live there back then!
I checked out the best video ever from the library: The complete Fawlty Towers collection with John Cleese... That man doesn't even have to do anything to be funny! Fawlty Towers has to be the best TV series of all times and is just so gosh darn funny! I laugh so hard at it that my sides hurt...
For my birthday my family gave me some wonderful gifts: my parent gave me the money to purchase a really good skillet... I am so excited! And, John and Samantha gave me a whole plethora of goodies including: a gnome book that I had enjoyed as a child at Camp Blue Heron... At camp on rainy days we would sit inside that lodge and read about gnomes... they gave me a 2009 Get Fuzzy page a day calendar as they have for the last 6 or 7 years, it's always my favorite gift! They gave me the DVD of "What Lies Beneath", one of my favorite movies. I thought it was also one of Samantha's favorites but she can't remember watching it with me. I also got a gift card to Starbucks and some lip gloss and bubble bath. My friend Ellen gave me the most beautiful spa style bath robe that is just so warm and snugly. It was a great Birthday!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tea and Cookies

After book club Kelly and I stopped in the little thrift store in town where I found the cutest little tea cups and saucers for Samantha... they have these sweet little yellow frogs on the handles and the saucers are little yellow lily pads... Samantha had a tea party with Amber, Dandelion and Maggie... She made play doh cookies which are the little pink things...
Yeah Snow!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Which is the real Tacey?

For Halloween at Skyline Kelly dressed up like Tacey... with a long pony tail... Kelly was dressing up as Princess Leah for trick or treat and she'd gotten these long fake pony tails that she was going to use for her buns... so, we were at her house and she clipped the pony tail on and said: "hey, I look like Tacey now!" And she wore her hair like that to Skyline...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I just love that little girl...

Friday, November 7, 2008
Dear Samantha:
I am sorry you are sick again today. I don't like it when my little monkey doesn't feel well. I almost forgot to call you off school today but I remembered in the nick of time.... when I called Jill said she was just getting ready to enter the un-excused absences! You would not have like an un-excused absence would you!
Today while I was perusing my favorite blogs saw that my friend over at The Chic Life had posted about an article on gratitude... you know, being grateful and thankful for things in you life... and it gave me an idea: we need to keep a family gratitude journal! Let's talk about it at dinner tonight... I hope you are feeling better because we are having chicken fajitas... yum yum!
I am sorry you are sick again today. I don't like it when my little monkey doesn't feel well. I almost forgot to call you off school today but I remembered in the nick of time.... when I called Jill said she was just getting ready to enter the un-excused absences! You would not have like an un-excused absence would you!
Today while I was perusing my favorite blogs saw that my friend over at The Chic Life had posted about an article on gratitude... you know, being grateful and thankful for things in you life... and it gave me an idea: we need to keep a family gratitude journal! Let's talk about it at dinner tonight... I hope you are feeling better because we are having chicken fajitas... yum yum!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I usually drink coffee, 2 or 3 cups, in the morning but today is one of those days where I just feel like having more, right smack in the middle of the afternoon... Nothing particular is going on... I guess I'm just thirsty...
The weather here in Central Ohio has been glorious! Last weekend and this week the temperature has been in the 70's and we are loving it... And, the leaves are really changing... the road that leads out of our neighborhood is lined with maple trees and burning bushes all of which are this amazing, brilliant red... It is seriously the prettiest red I have ever seen... Then as we sit at the end of the street and wait to turn onto the busy main road we can see wonderful yellows and oranges up against the dark green of the spruce trees at the farm across the way... Usually I despise pulling out onto the main road but this fall it has been nice being able to gaze upon such beauty...
We went and voted yesterday... this is always a family activity... and this year I brought a book, a puzzle book, my journal, cookies, peanut butter crackers, leftover Halloween candy and water in anticipation of a huge long line... Samantha brought her homework, 2 books, her Nintendo DS and a teddy bear... And, I don't think John brought anything... We walked over to avoid a mess in the parking lot and boy were we shocked... there was absolutely no line whatsoever! Woo Hoo... that was easy! I'm glad it's all over... all that political stuff was messing with my shows!
The weather here in Central Ohio has been glorious! Last weekend and this week the temperature has been in the 70's and we are loving it... And, the leaves are really changing... the road that leads out of our neighborhood is lined with maple trees and burning bushes all of which are this amazing, brilliant red... It is seriously the prettiest red I have ever seen... Then as we sit at the end of the street and wait to turn onto the busy main road we can see wonderful yellows and oranges up against the dark green of the spruce trees at the farm across the way... Usually I despise pulling out onto the main road but this fall it has been nice being able to gaze upon such beauty...
We went and voted yesterday... this is always a family activity... and this year I brought a book, a puzzle book, my journal, cookies, peanut butter crackers, leftover Halloween candy and water in anticipation of a huge long line... Samantha brought her homework, 2 books, her Nintendo DS and a teddy bear... And, I don't think John brought anything... We walked over to avoid a mess in the parking lot and boy were we shocked... there was absolutely no line whatsoever! Woo Hoo... that was easy! I'm glad it's all over... all that political stuff was messing with my shows!
This was your horoscope for today... I liked it... you do have a lot of charm! As far as performing at a party, maybe you could sing us a song at dinner...
May 21 - June 21
You have a lot of charm and tremendous social skills, dear Gemini. This is an unbeatable combination, and is especially strengthened with the current astral energy. Be sure to go the extra mile today, even if you are not in the mood to do so. Someone in a position of power and authority may ask you to join him for dinner, or perhaps you'll be invited to 'perform' at a party. These are ideal opportunities to showcase your talents, so embrace them rather than shy away from them.
This was your horoscope for today... I liked it... you do have a lot of charm! As far as performing at a party, maybe you could sing us a song at dinner...
May 21 - June 21
You have a lot of charm and tremendous social skills, dear Gemini. This is an unbeatable combination, and is especially strengthened with the current astral energy. Be sure to go the extra mile today, even if you are not in the mood to do so. Someone in a position of power and authority may ask you to join him for dinner, or perhaps you'll be invited to 'perform' at a party. These are ideal opportunities to showcase your talents, so embrace them rather than shy away from them.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
I sent this email to my baby girl this morning...
Dear Samantha:
This morning in the car we talked about "having a voice" and how you can "make a difference" even if you are not old enough to vote yet. I think you have an amazing voice and that you have a wonderful way of thinking about things. I think you know that your father and I want you to have your own opinion. Of course we would like for you to share our opinion on most things but we know it is best for you to have your own opinions and you do have your own opinions. As you get older I love hearing you express yourself and how more articulate and thoughtful you grow each year.
Today someone I know was talking to their child on the phone and that person called their child an ass hole. OMG! I want you to know that no matter how mad I get at you I would never even think that you were an ass hole ever, no matter what you did!
And, I am sorry that I was snappish last night... my head hurt and I was tired. I know, that is no excuse for snapping at you but I wanted you to know I am sorry and that it was me, not you. Plus, once I start sometimes I just can't help myself and I keep on snapping... pretty crazy huh!
Dear Samantha:
This morning in the car we talked about "having a voice" and how you can "make a difference" even if you are not old enough to vote yet. I think you have an amazing voice and that you have a wonderful way of thinking about things. I think you know that your father and I want you to have your own opinion. Of course we would like for you to share our opinion on most things but we know it is best for you to have your own opinions and you do have your own opinions. As you get older I love hearing you express yourself and how more articulate and thoughtful you grow each year.
Today someone I know was talking to their child on the phone and that person called their child an ass hole. OMG! I want you to know that no matter how mad I get at you I would never even think that you were an ass hole ever, no matter what you did!
And, I am sorry that I was snappish last night... my head hurt and I was tired. I know, that is no excuse for snapping at you but I wanted you to know I am sorry and that it was me, not you. Plus, once I start sometimes I just can't help myself and I keep on snapping... pretty crazy huh!
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