Thursday, February 12, 2009

Windy Weather and Wheel of Fortune...

Samantha is obsessed with "Wheel of Fortune"! It's kind of cute how she runs to the TV to watch her program each night like a little old lady. The other night she went running in to John's den to tell him that the cable box had locked up right in the middle of the good part of her show. John tried so hard not to laugh at her.

We had a wind storm last night. Lots of blowing and gusts that made a lot of noise and freaked Samantha out. This morning I found our neighbor's trash can blown over in our yard with bologna in our bushes. Yuck! And, she's not the type to clean it up either...


Anonymous said...

Yikes bolonga in the bushes, that really is yucky. Get out your gloves, he he.

Heidi said...

Ha ha ha, you never know what shows the kids will like. For a while mine liked The Andy Griffith show,which I can't stand. At least it's family type TV.

nikkicrumpet said...

I love the a kid love wheel of fortune. It's so much better than most of the crap on TV! I saw your comment about Odd Thomas...just make sure it's the first one that is just called "Odd Thomas" because there are several others in that series that have Odd Thomas in the title. They are decent too...but the first one is AMAZING. I'd love to hear what you think once you've read it :)