On Friday Samantha and I went to a play at the Columbus Children's Theater. We saw "The Magician's Nephew". It is the story of how the land of Narnia was created. The play was so imaginative. It had a few parts that were amusing but overall the play was not funny. There were these women two rows behind us that kept laughing like it was the funniest thing they had ever seen and talking throughout the play. One of the woman must have had a cold or something because she kept... I can't even think of a word for it... sniffling in a really mucus-y way. It was so gross but they didn't ruin the play for us, it was great.
Samantha is reading the book "Flat Stanley" at school. It's about a boy who gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him and he discovers all sorts of ways being flat is cool. The kids all made paper dolls of themselves and have to take them all sorts of places and write about it. So, Samantha took Flat Samantha to the play. Before it started she set up Flat Samantha in the seat and set her up with the program to take her picture. The family in the row behind us asked if it was Flat Stanley. They had a relative in Austin, TX send them a Flat Stanley for a weekend. How cool!