Thursday, March 27, 2008

We went to Eden for Easter... John went with us too and we all had a wonderful time... Above is Samantha and BaBa reading...

Samantha and MaMa played the piano... It is great how much Samantha remembers from visit ti visit.... Dad said he would buy us a piano... I wish we could take him up on that but we have nowhere to put it... I have thought about this at great length but there is really nowhere one would fit... So, I love everything about our tiny house except for the lack of space for a piano!

Samantha had a great time sledding... I took the first run with her and we almost went in the creek! Dad said he'd never seen anyone go that far... I know I sure never have! The snow was a little icy though... So, Samantha was only allowed to go down the front hill with an adult... She could go down the side hill by herself but she didn't care for the side hill... She said it was too difficult to avoid the dog poop...
BaBa pulled Samantha around in the sled like he used to do when I was little...

Above is the view from the creek looking up toward the garages...

Off in the distance are BaBa and Samantha...

Here is Samantha and Ba Ba skipping rocks in the creek... John had fun throwing rocks and skipping them too...

I loved this tree... when I was younger I would have tried to climb it... no I am just satisfied to take it's picture...

Samantha had something in her eye and BaBa was trying to scare her...

I thought I would take another run down the hill... I hadn't brought any socks and had to borrow some from mom...

BaBa went down the hill with me... We tried to get Samantha to go too but she wouldn't... I think she knew BaBa would try to dump us or some such thing...

Yeah, we made it without going in the creek!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

On Friday Samantha and I went to a play at the Columbus Children's Theater. We saw "The Magician's Nephew". It is the story of how the land of Narnia was created. The play was so imaginative. It had a few parts that were amusing but overall the play was not funny. There were these women two rows behind us that kept laughing like it was the funniest thing they had ever seen and talking throughout the play. One of the woman must have had a cold or something because she kept... I can't even think of a word for it... sniffling in a really mucus-y way. It was so gross but they didn't ruin the play for us, it was great.

Samantha is reading the book "Flat Stanley" at school. It's about a boy who gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him and he discovers all sorts of ways being flat is cool. The kids all made paper dolls of themselves and have to take them all sorts of places and write about it. So, Samantha took Flat Samantha to the play. Before it started she set up Flat Samantha in the seat and set her up with the program to take her picture. The family in the row behind us asked if it was Flat Stanley. They had a relative in Austin, TX send them a Flat Stanley for a weekend. How cool!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Blizzard of 2008

We got tons and tons of snow! It started on Friday around 10am. We were in our weekly meeting in the conference room at work and watches the snow start out as a few flurries and by the time we were done it was snowing hard and blowing horizontally! Around 11:30am I got a call from Samantha's school that they were dismissing 2 hours early. It took me 40 minutes to get to school because the roads were a sheet of ice. When we got home I shoveled the driveway and then Samantha and I made a snow bunny. The snow wasn't the really good packing kind that you can roll so the snow man looked like a bunny instead.

On Saturday I got up with John while he was getting ready for work at 6am and looked out the window to see everything covered with snow, lots and lots of snow. Our street looked so pretty because there were no tracks in the street yet or any footprints... it was all a beautiful blanket of white.

Samantha played with her stuffed animals all weekend...

It snowed all day and we were under a level 2 snow emergency. Samantha and I stayed inside up until about 6:30pm when we had to go out to try and clear off the driveway for John. John worked overtime and had to deal with two separate dead people. He is always in a strange mood after dealing with dead people so we shoveled the driveway and had dinner ready when he got home close to 9pm. The driveway was awful to shovel! I don't know how my dad shovels the tons of Buffalo snow all winter! It was almost knee deep and incredibly heavy. It took me over an hour just to get John's side of the driveway sort of clear. I did part of my side but my back hurt so there is still a snow island in the middle. I hope I can get out on Monday! While I shoveled Samantha made a snow fort. I gave her some jello to play with, peach jello to make snow cones. She had a blast.

The Buffalo socks Dad sent kept our feet toasty warm...

This picture speaks for itself!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Okay, I am having the writing urge again. I get the urge to write fiction a few times a year when I come up with a great idea, start writing and then get bored and never finish. At first not finishing bothered me but now I am okay with the whole thing. It's about the process and not actually a finished product. Maybe one day there will be a finished product but in the meantime the process is fine, it's not broken so there is nothing to fix.