Wednesday, October 24, 2007

John started day shift yesterday. About 8pm he comes into the living room where I was watching TV and says: "I'm bored!" He repeated it about 20 times. He needs a hobby. After a while one of the guys from work called him and they talked about what they had done at work that day so that kept him busy for a while.

Dinner last night was good and I wish there had been left overs to bring in my lunch today... We had ham, stuffing and pasta.

Today is raining as it did all day yesterday and it is dark and grey out. I want to curl up on the couch and take a nap... Or I want to take a bath and then curl up on the couch...

1 comment:

Heidi said...

It is raining and gray outside here too. A hot bath and a nap sounds good. Too bad T has a playdate here now, otherwise I would try to talk him into a nap.