Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Summer Olympics

We got together with Kelly's family and Sally's family and had a great Summer Olympic Bash family style... The teams worked perfectly... there were 3 girls and 3 boys that made 2 teams... We started with a torch run.... That's felt wrapped around a flashlight made to look like flames in the above and below pictures... The 2 teams ran around the block in opposite directions... they met back in our yard and pretended to light a big flashlight/torch... John took these photos after their run... notice one team looks a bit more worn out than the other team...

Here the kids are preparing for the torch run...

Each team decorated a flag and then described what was on their flag and what it represented... they had also planned amongst themselves what colors they would wear for their team...

And they marched into the stadium/backyard with their flags... We had Olympic music courtesy of Tim...

They did a pool noodle javelin throw...

And a water balloon shot put...

And each team won a medal for every event... they either received a gold or a silver... Oh, and the girls kicked the boys' butts!

I just loved this shot of Sean... he is going to grow up and be a politician!
We all had the best time and it was a wonderful activity to end the summer before back to school...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics Kate, they all look so cute and like they had a great time.