Saturday, April 26, 2008

April summed up in photos...

My dear, sweet, adorable husband! Notice the tattoo. Neither of us are big fans of tattoos but this one is a badge and then the dates of the shootings he's been in...

Samantha planted some seeds... Lavender and poppies... I have only tripped over them once!

Beautiful yellow Forsythia...

Our little gnome we got at a garage sale last summer made it through the winter...

We are going to move these 2 Boxwoods to the play area...

View out the back door onto the deck and the Eastern Redbud tree that is blooming.

The view out our front door. The flowering pear trees are so beautiful but boy do they stink. When the petals start to fall it looks like it's snowing. John recently dug up the pathetic little red maple in the background out by the road. I had kept hoping that it would start looking better but it just got more and more pathetic looking. When Skip (neighbor across the street) made fun of it I knew it was time or it to go.

Kelly's "Big Dog" is so sweet. He looks almost little when he curls up on their couch. And, I love how he has his head on the pillow...

I love Susie's new shoes. She got them at Land End and I want them... they'd be perfect for walking since I hate wearing traditional sneakers...

I was washing dishes one afternoon and looked out the kitchen window where this little guy was perched on the neighbors fence about 3 feet away. MY MARSHAL KITTY HAS COME HOME! I swear it looks exactly like him right down to the 3 white hairs on his chest. I tried to catch him but as you can see he didn't want to come home to me... Samantha rolled her eyes the whole time...

Arlene's 3 caret ring...

Samantha makes the best cookies. Here she is waiting for the oven to pre-heat. I hate those surround speakers in the background.

I love how Samantha climbs up on the counters to get stuff... I used to do this when I was little. I remember climbing up onto the counter in the pantry to reach the cabinets because that's where Mom used to hide candy. One time I broke something. I don't remember what it was but I do remember Dad got blamed for it.

Mom gave me this Airedale and I love him, he looks great in front of my fire place and reminds me of home. Shortly after he came to live on my hearth Mom called and said she misses him. Well Mom, he has a message for you: "I am happy here..."

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