Wednesday, January 31, 2007
It was super cold here today, 14 degrees! I'm just glad I am feeling better and am totally thankful for Airborne. After you get the water to fizzy tablet ratio just right so you can drink it down in one gulp, it's not all that bad.
I watched the Today Show segment on mom's who have a drink while their children play. ( I thought Melissa looked and sounded great on the segment. I thought she stated her opinion clearly and was very well spoken. I especially liked the part where she sometimes wondered how much she could get on e-bay for her children. Big kudos to her for saying that on national telivision, I mean really, who hasn't thought that. And, in my opinion, it is okay to have these thoughts once in a while. I also feel it is okay to have a drink once in a while. At least these mothers are spending time with their children instead of hiring a baby sitter and then going out for a drink with their friends. If you asked the children whether they would rather have a playdate with a babysitter or a playdate with their mommy and a bunch of friends, well, duh. I doubt wheather the kids know if the glass is full of Crystal Light or a martini. Remember the holidays when we were kids, dad and the older cousins had a beer in front of the football game, mom and your favorite aunt enjoyed a glass of wine and after dinner the adults had a little creme d'mint on their ice cream and look, we all came out okay. Then there is the whole double standard thing about targeting moms and not the dads when they have a few drinks. If you are going to bring up the other sex then why not mention the neighborhood BBQ where both parents are present and have a drink or two. Is it okay for the mom to have a cocktail then because her spouse is present?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Snofie: I am having Jana problems. One day she says she wants to be my friend and she's nice to me and then the next day she says she doesn't want to be my friend and she's not nice to me.
Me: Sounds like it isn't much fun to have a friend like that.
Snofie: I don't like it when I am talking to someone and she comes over and says that I am lying. It hurts my feelings and she is the one who lies anyway. Today she asked me what year I was born. I said 1998 and she told everyone I was lying.
Me: What do you do when stuff like this happens?
Snofie: I ignore her.
Me: Maybe you shouldn't "ignore" her because it might hurt her feelings... instead try to just be polite to her. That is what you would want, right?
Snofie: Look at the bubbles, I made them into a mountain.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Me: What's wrong?
Snofie: I make mistakes, I cry and then you and Daddy yell at me so my life isn't perfect anymore!
(Oh my god, that is so sad that she thinks she has to be perfect.)
Me: Oh, Sweet Pea, everyone makes mistakes... it's okay to cry... mommy and daddy only yell at you because we feel frustrated with ourselves and....
Snofie: Let's talk about my hair now, look at it when I take my braid out.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Snofie got all the spelling words right on her pre-test again. I am so proud of her. I just look at her and am amazed at what a big girl she is becoming and all that she is learning. I think about how she spends most of her day away from me at school and has this whole life that I can't see anymore. When she was little I saw every moment of her life. Now I have to have her tell me and I don't always understand. She came out of school today and said she had an awful day. She said someone pushed her down at lunch in the cafeteria but she didn't see who did it because she was walking too fast. That translates into: I was walking too fast because I was worried about something and I tripped and fell down then decided to blame it on someone I didn't see to save face. Okay, I get that one. Here is where it gets more complicated. She says, through tears making it all the more difficult to understand her, "other people know things that I want to know but they won't tell me."
Me: Who?
Snofie: I don't know.
Me: What won't they tell you?
Snofie: I don't know.
Me: When did this happen?
Snofie: When did what happen?
Me: This incident that has you so upset.
Snofie: There was no incident.
Me: Then who won't tell you what?
Snofie: There is no one in particular and it's just stuff.
Me: Was there an incident?
Snofie: I already told you.
Me: .....
Thankfully we were at the pizza place so that was the end of that. We went in to order the pizza and the guy asked her why she was all upset. He received a blank stare. I told hem we were going to run next door to the pet store while we waited for the pizza and he asked if we were going to get a puppy. I replied, no. And he said it looked like someone could use a puppy. Okay, SHUT UP mister pizza dude!
The puppies seemed to cheer Snofie up. There was a lonely little Whimeriner who was too cute. Normally I don't care for those dogs but this one had the cutest face with these big ears. He stopped being so cute though when he grabbed hold of my sweater with his teeth. There I am in the middle of the pet store, "please puppy, please let go of my sweater, let go of it now, please puppy..." One of the girls had the African Grey Parrot out so I went to pet him, he bit me but then he let me pet his head. Then we purchased our hamster food and went back for the pizza. Snofie seemed better after that.
After dinner Snofie and PoPo Pop went to the Home Depot. I'm scared as to what they will come home with. At least I know it won't be a puppy.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
The word of the day is "notice". We had a very lively dispute at breakfast over the word notice. Notice is one of Snofie's vocabulary words this week. She has to give an oral definition of the word. Her definition went like this: "you never saw something". "No Snofie, it means you did see something," I replied. She insisted every which way that I was wrong and she was right. "IT'S WHEN YOU NEVER SAW SOMETHING! MY TEACHER SAID SO!" We even looked it up in the dictionary but, nooooo, her teacher is correct. I totally love that she respects what her teacher says but, she's wrong, Snofie, not her teacher. I tried to explain that her teacher probably used it in a sentence something like: I never noticed your blue eyes before. Then, realizing one, that I was not going to convince her eight year old brain that I was right and two, because it was getting old, I shut up about it. But, once we were in the car I had a brilliant idea, I used the word notice in as many sentences as I could. "Look Snofie, I just happened to notice there is snow on that car." "Oh, I love noticing all the orange Honda Elements like mine." "Did you notice..." on and on I went all the while Snofie got madder and madder. I just couldn't help myself. Sorry Snofie!
After school I picked Snofie and Tara up. Snofie came out first, in tears because she had forgotten something in her desk, had to run back for it, fell down and was afraid she was going to be late. Then Tara came out, also in tears. Something had held her teacher up and she was a little late releasing the kids. Tara was worried she was going to be late as well. They sobbed all the way home. PoPo Pop was home this evening so we ordered pizza. Then the girls and I gathered up a bunch of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals and headed out for Family Movie Night at the school. This was our first time attending the movie night and I didn't know quite what to expect. Well, we get there, the parking lot is packed and there are children running everywhere throughout the halls. Once we entered the gym where the movie was it just got better. Before us was a solid sea of blankets and pillows. We eventually found a spot right up in front and off to one side. It was not good at all because we were too close to see the screen and there were still tons of kids running around all red faced and sweaty. The girls were a little annoyed that we couldn't see and because it was so noisy. I asked them what they wanted to do. They wanted to stay but they wanted to sit in a better spot, um, gee guys, tell me how I can make that happen and I will. They came up blank but then Tara had a marvelous idea: "we can go to my house and watch the movie on my dad's projector and it will be just like here only no noise so we can hear and see the movie." She also mentioned something about marshmallow flavored pop corn, yum. The girls watched to movie and I hung out downstairs with Kelly and Tim. It was so much nicer than staying at the gym.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Yesterday we were still having major computer issues at work. Normally we would just call Brad, the computer guy, but he is off this week due to the passing of his mother on Monday. That didn't seem to stop us though, Lynn was asked to call him at home. I felt so bad for Brad and Lynn.
Me: Did you hear that the guy who created Scooby Doo died?
PoPo Pop: From Smoking dope?
Me: No, he was Asian.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I've decided to change my hair style. I have two reasons for this. One, I want my bangs back and two, I can now that I am forced to change hairdressers. You see, Nick has been cutting my hair for a while now. He is the one who convinced me to get rid of my bangs in the first place, he said they were a throw back to the 1980's. So, Nick has this certain way of cutting my hair. Don't get me wrong, I really like the way he cuts it but he will not be able to cut it for the next two years. Nick's in jail again. He has this breaking and entering problem. Every time he cut my hair I was totally fascinated by the fact that I know an ex-con. He'd been incarcerated several times before. Anyway, now that he is unavailable I will be having Dobri cut my hair again. Dobri has a particular way that he cuts my hair, the style with the bangs, and you can't tell him to do anything different. If you try to tell him how to cut it he says, in a very thick Macedonian accent, "I don't tell you how to do your job, you don't tell me how to do my job. You don't know how to do my job. You are wrong. I am right". And that is that. Dobrie is amazing so, I guess if I want him to cut my hair it will have to be his way.
This morning I talked to Mom. She said she talked to Aunt Mary Ann. She hadn't spoken to her since her Birthday which Aunt Mary Ann asked her about. Mom said she told her all about the great SOCKS with African Grey parrots on them that Rebecca had given her. Oh my god! I freakin made her a memory book filled with 35 freakin years worth of mother daughter memories! What the heck, SOCKS! Next year I swear, all she's getting is socks!
When Snofie came out of school today she was bawling. She said a boy named Christopher had taken her fuzzy zebra pencil and said he wasn't going to give it back. I told her she had two choices, we could either go try to find another one at the store or she could go talk to her teacher about it. She wanted to talk to her teacher but she wanted me to do it because the kids who ride the bus were still inside and she didn't want them to see her crying. Ok, I can understand that so I told her I would go talk to her teacher. I went in and told her teacher that Snofie was really upset and asked her what she thought Snofie should do. She said, "that's the second thing he took from someone with out permission. He's still here and I'm going to go see about this". And she marched off down the hall and got the little boy. I like her, she doesn't tolerate any monkey business. I left and told Snofie what had happened. Then as we were driving home my cell phone rang. Snofie answered it, it was her teacher calling to say that the fuzzy zebra pencil was safely back in her desk. Her teacher rocks!
Today was topped off with Skyline Chili with the McAleas and basketball practice. Ciera was back this week so everything was back to normal at Skyline. I got a lot of my book read at basketball practice. I'm reading this really good book about a disaster on Mt. Everest. I am totally fascinated by those who climb mountains in such extremely cold conditions and at high altitudes. Anyway, as I was reading I would look up every now and then to see Snofie. At one point I watched the mean girl throw the ball off to the side where a man in a wheel chair was sitting. Oh my god, she threw the ball so hard it almost knocked him out of his wheel chair! She's mean. The mean girl brought her home work to practice. It was the same sheet Snofie had and I told Snofie not to help her, that she needed to do the work herself. So, mean girl takes her markers, it was a page you had to color, and she scribbled all over the page without reading the directions. There she was scribbling madly and I didn't say a word, she's not my kid, what do I care if she gets a bad grade or not. Wow, I am on a mean streak today, wonder what spurred that?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Today it was 28 degrees. It finally feels like winter. We have no snow yet, just lots of flooding.
I had a horrible headache this evening and took a nice hot bubble bath. I had just settled down in the heap of vanilla scented bubbles when in came Snofie. "I can't find Tabby" she said. After going through an exhausting list of where to look Snofie was still there and seriously cramping my relaxing time. "I have a headache" I told her. "I want you to help me find her." Really what she meant was she wanted me to look for Tabby. I told her I would when I was done with my bath. I closed my eyes and sunk down into the bubbles. A few minutes later I opened my eyes and she was still sitting there staring at me, waiting. Oh my god, she's going to sit there until I get out! I just ignored her and about a half hour later I got out, went into her room, pulled back the covers on her bed and said, "there's Tabby". I so too an Advil PM after that. You know how you get so aggravated with your kids and then they go and do something sweet and you end up shrouded in guilt. Yup, that's what happened. Snofie cleaned up the living room when she was done playing and went to bed on time without having to be told. I love that kid!
Oh, and speaking of the greatest kid, she got every word right on her spelling pre-test. I was so proud of her.
Monday, January 15, 2007

I can't believe we have done it again, we have sent Jeff into the eye of the storm once again. Let's see, he's been to California with wildfires and Texas with a hurricane and mow Missouri with a killer ice storm, and I mean killer literally. The storm has killed several people so far. But while I was at work I did not hear from him so I am going with the "no news is good news" theory.
I was going to make Chinese for dinner but we are all tired and don't feel like doing anything so we ordered pizza and then plan on camping out in front of the TV for the rest of the evening.
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Snofie had her first basketball game today. They lost 16 to 26 but they had a really great time and Snofie made a basket after she went in. At first she wanted to sit on the side with me because she was nervous about it being a "game". Several of the girls were but in the end they all got to play. They were great! I can't wait for the next game. I made a list of all the players names and numbers so I can cheer for everyone.
I guess crime does pay...
Last week a settlement was reached, out of court, with the man's sister to receive a sizable amount of money. So, yeah, crime does pay. What is wrong with her? Her brother shot at children, barricaded himself in his house and shot at the police. Why does his sister deserve to sue the police and have money awarded to her? Someone, please explain this to me. Actually, there is no explanation that would satisfy me because it is just wrong for her to benefit from her brother's crime.
I know what some are thinking: PoPo Pop knew what he was getting into when he became a police officer as well as when he joined the SWAT team. Yes, this is true, he knew and accepted the risks as well as accepting the injury that resulted from this particular SWAT raid. It stinks that he has a constant ringing in his ears as well as knowing that he had a hand in the loss of someones life but he accepts that this is part of the job. What makes me angry is that someone has profited from this man's crime. I don't doubt that she is grieving at the loss of her brother but come on, PoPo Pop was injured as a direct result of her brother's action and he got nothing. It's not that I feel that he should receive monetary compensation as a result of doing his job, I don't think he should. He is paid for the work he does and he receives medical care for any injuries sustained while doing his job. He agreed to this when he became a police office. I feel even more strongly that this sister should not receive monetary compensation for her brother's death that resulted from a crime he committed.
A friend's nephew was recently injured and is no longer able to work as a result of the apprehension of several illegal aliens attempting to enter the country. So, I end with the question: why do illegal aliens and criminal's sisters have more rights than the officers who protect them?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
More Frogs...

Last night was "The Frog Prince" and tonight was "A Year With Frog & Toad" at the Phoenix Theatre. PoPo Pop went with us. I had as much fun watching him watch the play as I did watching the play. It actually was more of a musical and Toad was the actor we saw in "A Christmas Story". Frog and Toad sang lots of songs. Our favorite, that we sang all the way home, was: "Toad Looks Funny in a Bathing Suit". We also had fun exploring the Riffe Center building. PoPo Pop and i had never been inside. We looked out over to the State House where the new Governor, Ted Strickland was inaugurated today. I have trouble saying that word. Snofie thought this was quite funny and we started talking about all the words we have trouble pronouncing. I thought I should make a list of words Snofie says funny to remember them when we're old:
Bathing Suit: Babbin Suit
Bikini: Two Tops
Kiddy Pool: Kidney Pool
Light Blue: Yite Bue
Bob Evans: Beeb Eevins
Hospital: Hostibul
On the way home we bought a cheesecake to eat while we watched "Cops" in the big bed all together and Snofie said: "I'm going to get my H word bear when we get home." "Cops" wasn't on, stupid sports was on so we watched an Animal Planet show about the two Giant Pandas at the National Zoo in Washington DC. The zoo got Tien Tien and Mei Xiang on loan from China for ten years after Ling Ling and Shing Shing died. We decided that we must take Snofie to Washington DC within the next few years because when I was young we went to see Ling Ling and Shing Shing so Snofie must see the pandas like I did. I love taking her to all the places I went.
Friday, January 12, 2007

Everyone at work annoyed me today. Nothing really specific other than their usual behavior. It's funny how some days people's normal behavior can just drive you absolutely crazy.
OK, now on to the fun stuff. After work I picked up Po Po Pop on my way to pick up Snofie from school. While we waited for her we sat in the car and did crossword puzzles together. After school we all went for an early dinner at the new Mexican restaurant, Las Margaritas. It was really good and we were all really hungry.
This evening Snofie and I went to see "The Frog Prince" at the Columbus Children's Theatre. It was really good. Our seats were in the front row of the center section. We were so close you could have reached out and touched the actors. We decided to park in front of Cup-O-Joe as we were going there for coffee after the play. We found a parking spot right in front at a meter. I checked the meter to see how long we had. By the time we walked the few blocks to the theater I realized that my math was off. The meter had a 2 hour limit. We parked at 6:30pm. the play started at 7:30pm and lasts 2 hours. We were bound to get a ticket so we walked back and decided to valet park instead so we'd have all night. Cup-O-Joe was really fun. I taught Snofie how to read the personal ads in The Other paper and make fun of them. We laughed and laughed over some of them. Then we read our horoscopes and the movie reviews. Snofie wants to see "Freedom Writers" and was quite disappointed to see it got a bad review. I want to see "The Painted Veil" with Edward Norton. It looks really good and I love Edward Norton. We had vanilla lattes and afterward walked around the Short North for a little while. We mostly looked in windows as all that was opened were bars. We didn't even mind that it was raining a little.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Po Po Pop worked day shift today and we had pizza for dinner. Snofie got new sneakers. An that's about it, it was a really exciting day. Actually, it was quite relaxing to not have anything going on. After we ate Po Po Pop and i lay around and watched TV. We are really into watching "Reba" and "Still Standing" re-runs. Those are two hysterically funny shows.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
This is my new favorite sweater.
Last night around 7:00pm I took a sleeping pill, took a nice hot bubble bath and went to bed. It was absolutely wonderful. While I was in the tub Snofie came in and read a chapter book to me. She looked so cute sitting there with her legs all crossed and looking so grown up. It was a great moment to remember always. When I got out of the tub I went to bed and was asleep by 9:00pm, it was great. But then I was awakened at 1:00am by two cats fighting out in our back yard. Yeah, the back yard that is surrounded by a 6' privacy fence. They were in between the deck and the shed where we have Snofie's kiddy pool or as Snofie calls it, a kidney pool. They were making quite a racket, slamming the pool into the shed and deck as well as snarling and growling. I woke up PoPo Pop to go out there and shoo them out of the yard. I was worried that if one of them was injured and couldn't get over the fence that it would die back there and give me a scare when I came across it in the spring. Dead birds are icky enough to come across in the yard so I can imagine that a cat would be way worse. Speaking of dead carcasses makes me think of the dead bird we found last summer while we were gardening. Snofie named him toast.
This evening we met the McAleas at Skyline for kids night. Ciera wasn't there this evening and things just weren't the same without her there. Then for some reason, afterward I got an awful stomach ache. I must have felt really bad because Snofie talked me into letting her stay up a half hour past her bed time.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Monday, January 8, 2007
We had our computer conversion at work today. I hate change / disruption like this but it did have an upside. The upside was that it drove Travel Guy crazy. He had been in the office on Friday and had pestered me all day, "Is my trip done yet? Is it? Huh? Huh?" His hovering certainly did not make me want to move very fast to finish it. So, this morning it still wasn't done. Now mind you, I have NEVER missed a deadline and I knew I had plenty of time to string him along awhile longer. Then we had a computer training meeting for a couple of hours which should have been terribly boring but for me it was fun because I'm mean. I know it was driving Travel Guy crazy. When we came out of the meeting we found that he, all 6'9" of him, had cleaned out the vent fans in the bathroom. Oh my god, that is hysterical! I hate him when he's in the office and love him when he is on the road.
Oh no, I am jealous of Mom's new daughter. Ok, she's just her friend but it doesn't feel that way. Rebecca is several years younger than I am and lives across the creek from my parents. I think my mom likes her because she doesn't argue with her and she is about as crazy over animals as Mom is. Here is the response I got to my gift: "I like the books but in your list of memories, well, Kavaguchi is Japanese not Chinese." (I had made her a book of 71 memories of us together and one of them had been of her helping me make a house for this doll, Kavaguchi.) So, I'm confused by that comment but moving on... They had Rebecca and her husband over for dinner last night and Mom went on and on about what a wonderful birthday it was having Rebecca there. Yup, I'm jealous of her new daughter.
Oh, I forgot the other news from when Ryan was over the other day: HE IS GOING TO COLLEGE. I am so glad that he finally figured out that that is the only way he is going to get ahead with his career. He got passed up for a promotion a while back. He had oodles of experience but they hired a guy from the outside who had more education. I guess that was the wake up call he needed.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Mom's 71st Birthday
This evening Snofie and I watched a movie called "Still Small Voices", and yes, it was another Lifetime movie. We turned on the fireplace while we watched the movie too. It was really good, the company and the movie.
Saturday, January 6, 2007

Currently the walls are paneling which I painted red with a wide, yellow, toile boarder. I love that boarder and had the wall paint color done to match it. It is beautiful for a playroom but not very manly for PoPo Pop's office. Today we moved ALL of Snofie's toys, well, all except some stuffed animals, upstairs to her bedroom. Ryan came over and helped PoPo Pop move the doll house to Snofie's room. It fit perfectly. She loves the doll house as much as I did when I was her age. My dad made it for me one Christmas. He made it to match our house and the chimney is even made of pebbles for our creek. I can't believe everything fit in Snofi'e room! We finished in enough time to have lasagna for dinner and then all watch "Cops" together.
Friday, January 5, 2007

Thursday, January 4, 2007
The Best Kid in the Whole World
PoPo Pop bought a mold for plaster of Paris or whatever you want to mold, off of E-Bay. It is a really big, about the size of a serving platter, and in the shape of a police badge. He worked on it this evening. While the plaster of Paris was setting we noticed that it was warm. I had no idea that plaster of Paris gives off heat. Anyway, the badge came out great and I resisted the urge to poke my finger in it while the plaster of Paris was still wet. Now PoPo Pop is going to paint it to look like his badge. One of the guys on his department just retired and he's thinking about giving it to him if it comes out ok.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
The New Chair
I love the new chair and so do Snofie and PoPo Pop. It goes really well with our living room... but... (I hate that there is a but) the positioning of it in a way that one is able to see the TV from it throws off everything being on the same angle. I am going to have to make a huge effort to get used to everything not being even. It seems I am the only one who cares about the angle of things being even anyway. It reminds me of the episode of "Mad About You" where Jamie is the only one who is bothered by the slanty floors in their apartment. I love that show.
Screaming Sean
- Monthly views
- Weekly Views
- A notes section as part of the weekly view
- Lots of address pages
So, we picked Snofie and Tara up, dropped Tara and a pizza coupon off at her house, and picked Tim up. (Tim and PoPo Pop were going to pick up the new living room chair.) Only I dropped off the wrong pizza coupon to Kelly so we had to circle back and drop off the correct one. The guys went and picked up the chair and it fit perfectly in the back of my Element. Snofie finished her homework and then Kelly brought the kids over for pizza and to check out the new chair.
Right now we are really into PaPa Murphy's pizza. It's the take & bake kind. For $20.00 we got:
- A large cheese pizza
- A medium Mediterranean de-lite pizza (chicken, garlic, spinach, sun dried tomatoes and feta cheese)
- A medium cheese pizza
- And a dessert cinnamon pizza
The Mediterranean pizza, which only kelly and I ate) was amazing. I ate three pieces when normally I only eat one.
Sean was trying to get the last of the frosting for the cinnamon pizza out of it's container when PoPo Pop came along and licked the spoon he was holding. We all thought it was funny but Sean did not.He started screaming and screamed until they all left about a half hour later. He was so mad at PoPo Pop for STEALING his frosting. Then he shifted his anger to his mother for ALWAYS STEALING FROM HIM and NEVER LISTENING TO HIM. It was so hard not to giggle. After they left PoPo Pop was leaning on the arm of the couch and said, "why is this wet? Gross!" I laughed because it was where Sean had had his face buried when he was screaming.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
A simple, normal, lovely life...

PS: I looked on line for a picture of a Jesus Nightlight and I swear, the above picture is the freakin exact Jesus Nightlight she has!
Monday, January 1, 2007
New Year's Day
Snofie: Sniffle...sniffle...
Me: (ignoring her)
Snofie: Do you want to know why I'm crying?
Me: OK
Snofie: Because I don't want to go back to school.